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導(dǎo)讀 關(guān)于泰戈?duì)栕疃痰脑?shī)8首,泰戈?duì)栍⑽亩淘?shī)這個(gè)問(wèn)題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來(lái)為大家解答以上的問(wèn)題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來(lái)看看吧!1、世界上最


1、世界上最遙遠(yuǎn)的距離 In world most remote distance in world most remote distance, is not lives with dies but is I on the station in front of you you did not know actually I love you in world most remote distance is not I on the station in front of you you did not know actually I love you but is knew obviously each other falls in love cannot actually in the same place in world most remote distance is not knew obviously each other falls in love cannot actually in the same place but is unable to resist this stock obviously in to think of also must pretend actually not to feel relieved slightly intentionally you in world most remote distance is not is unable to resist this stock obviously in to think of also must pretend actually not to feel relieved slightly intentionally you but was to likes you with the oneself indifferent heart the person digging the drainage ditch which was unable to surmount in world most remote distance, is not lives with dies but is I on the station in front of you you did not know actually I love you in world most remote distance is not I on the station in front of you you did not know actually I love you but is knew obviously each other falls in love cannot actually in the same place in world most remote distance is not knew obviously each other falls in love cannot actually in the same place but is unable to resist this stock obviously in to think of also must pretend actually not to feel relieved slightly intentionally you in world most remote distance is not is unable to resist this stock obviously in to think of also must pretend actually not to feel relieved slightly intentionally you but was to likes you with the oneself indifferent heart the person digging the drainage ditch which was unable to surmount I cannot retain your wave. the dike said to the river that, I only can retain your tracks in my moral nature.。



