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生物七年級下冊期末試卷(仁愛英語七年級下冊試卷 人教版語文下冊期末試卷 人教版數(shù)學)

導讀 關于生物七年級下冊期末試卷,仁愛英語七年級下冊試卷 人教版語文下冊期末試卷 人教版數(shù)學這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解

關于生物七年級下冊期末試卷,仁愛英語七年級下冊試卷 人教版語文下冊期末試卷 人教版數(shù)學這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!

1、仁愛版英語七年級下冊過關檢測試卷II. 單項選擇。

2、(每小題1分,共20分)??? 從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案,并把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。

3、16. — _______ do you usually go to school?— I usually go to school ______ foot. A. How, to?????????????????????? B. How, onC. What, to????????????????????? D. What, on17. — ______ does he go to the library?— Twice a month. A. How soon??????????????????????????? B. How muchC. How often ?????? ???????? D. How many18. — ______ can I keep it?— Two weeks. A. How soon??????????????????????????? B. How longC. How often ???????????????? D. How many19. They ______ an English class. A. is having ????????? ???????? B. having??? C. are having??????????????????? D. are have 20. Thank you ______ hard work. A. for you??????????????????????? B. to yourC. for your ???????????????????? D. to you21. There ______ a book and some pens on the desk. A. is???????????????????????????????? B. areC. / ???? ????????????????????????? D. be22. — ______ on the plate?— There are some chopsticks on it. A. Where?????? ? ?????????????? B. WhatC. Where’s ? ?????????????????? D. What’s23. There ______ old people ______ here. A. is, live ?????????????????????? B. are, livingC. is, living ???????????????????? D. are, to live24. Everybody ______ be careful and obey the traffic rules. A. must ?????? ?????????????????? B. shouldC. shouldn’t ??????????????????????????? D. A and B25. — ______ is the way to the hospital? — Sorry, I don’t know. A. Which???????????????????????? B. WhereC. how???????????????????????????? D. / ?26. — ______ was she born????????? — She was born______ China. A. When, in???????????????????? B. Where, inC. Where, on ????????????????? D. When, on27. She was born ______ July ______, 1993. A. in, 22th? ?????????????????? B. on, 22thC. on, 22nd ??????????????????? D. in, 22nd28. I can play ______ piano. A. a????? ? ??????????????????????? B. anC. the?? ? ??????????????????????? D. / 29. He’d like ______ these flowers to the party. A. to take????? ? ?????????????? B. takeC. to get??????? ? ?????????????? D. get30. — ______ you play the guitar?— No, I can’t. A. Can ? ??????????????????????? B. MustC. Should? ???????????????????? D. May31. — ______ was the weather yesterday?— It was ______. A. What, rain ???????????????? B. What, rainyC. How, rain??????????????????? D. How, rainy32. I hoped ______ together with them. A. get ????????????????????????? B. to getC. getting?????? ? ???? ???????? D. got33. I ______ many Christmas cards ______ my friends yesterday. A. sent, for? ??????????????????????????? B. send, forC. send, to?????????????????????? D. sent, to34. — ______ your neighbor like?— She is very kind. A. what???????? ? ??????????????????????? B. HowC. How’s?????? ? ???? ???????? D. What’s35. Every year ______ people get hurt in road accidents. A. thousand of?????? ???????? B. two thousandsC. thousands??????????????????? D. thousands ofIII. 完形填空。

4、(每小題1分,共10分)Billy is a boy of fifteen. His parents died three years ago.? One day when hewas walking in the street, he??? ??36 ?????a wallet.?? He returned it to the owner, Mr Baker.?? He gave his??? 37???? to the boy.?? As the boy had no job, Mr Baker made him work for him in his?? 38?? . Billy worked so hard that Mr and Mrs Baker were 39? with him.Mr Baker loved planting 40 . The week before last, he brought a few trees home, planted them in the 41 himself and watered them every day. Several days 42, he had to leave for another city. Before he started, he said to Billy, "Take good care of these trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal them. ""Don’t 43 about them, sir. "answered Billy, "I’ll try my best to watch them. "Six days passed and Mr Baker came back. He asked, " 44 anyone ever come to steal the trees?""No? sir. "said Billy. "To stop someone from stealing the trees, I 45 them up six days ago. I have hidden ( 藏) them for almost a week!"36. A. bought????? B. found ??????????? C. carried ?????????? D. wanted37. A. wallet ????? B. pity? ??????????? C. thanks? ???????? D. excuses38. A. office ????? B. factory??? ??? C. town? ?????????? D. home39. A. pleased ?? B. angry?? ??????? C. bored??? ????? D. sad40. A. grass? ???? B. flowers?? ???? C. vegetables ???? D. trees41. A. garden ???? B. office??? ????? C. city???? ?????? D. room42. A. ago??? ??? B. later?? ????????? C. before??? ???? D. after43. A. think? ???? B. talk ?????????????? C. learn ????????????? D. worry44. A. Did?? ???? B. Does? ?????????? C. Has ?????????????? D. Will45. A. sent? ?????? B. pulled?? ?????? C. put??? ?????????????????? D. picked?? When Mary Smith was a ??36, she wanted to be a teacher, ??37? ?she liked children. When she was twenty, she began teaching in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she ??38? ?a lot with the children in her class. They ??38? ?her teaching. One day ??40? ?of the girls in her class said to her, “Miss Smith ??41? ?does a man’s hair become grey before his beard(胡子)does?”Mary laughed and answered, “I don’t know. Helen, do you know?”“I don’t know ??42, Miss Smith,” said Helen, “but it happened to my father. ” The ??43? ?children in the class laughed when they heard this. Then a boy said, “I ??44, Miss Smith! A man’s hair becomes grey ??45? ?because it’s sixteen years older than his beard. ”36. A. woman????? B. student? C. teacher????????? D. wife 38. A. cried?????????????????? B. shouted C. learned????????? D. laughed39. A. refused????? B. enjoyed C. thought???????? D. wanted40. A. one??????????? B. a??????????? C. an????????????????? D. two41. A. when?? ? B. how?????? C. why ?? ???? D. whether42. A. too??????????? B. either???? C. also????? ?? D. neither43. A. some???????? B. few??????? C. other???????????? D. another44. A. think???????? B. know???? C. guess???????????? D. sure 45. A. fast?????????? B. slowly?? C. first???? ???????? D. quickly。



